Lace Yoke Dress from The Dragon & The Rabbit Review

Finding gorgeous outfits and clothing for my daughter is a thrill, and when I came across The Dragon & The Rabbit I have to be honest, I squealed. I couldn't believe how adorable the clothing was, and imagine my surprise over the weekend to find an item in the mailbox from them. Thank you to Ms. Anjana for sending us this!

The Lace Yolk dress is soft, it's lace, and it has plenty of breathable space for girls to be able to wear them in the Summer here in Texas. I love the material that is used for this dress. On the chest it's a soft, very gentle lace, and the main part of the dress is a thicker kind. This tells me if she decides while with her male cousins to go riding their skateboard and she falls, the lace won't easily tear there. There's an underslip/skirt sewn is as well so it's not see through in the slightest which made me happier. The size Olivia is wearing is a 4T, which is a bit big for her (she turns four at the end of October) but I don't mind that, she'll be able to wear it with a beautiful sweater or coat in the winter, and summer of next year as well!

My pretty girl looks like a country girl this dress, and I love the sleeves as well they way they are on her shoulders. You can really see in this picture the details of the different lace used and the material on the body of the dress. This dress is definitely sturdy but feminine, something every preschool girl needs. You can see this dress with a peacoat in the winter, a pair of tights, and a really cute pair of snow boots can't you? Or maybe with a really adorable hat in the Summer. I can't stop gushing over the dress it's so precious!
With Olivia starting preschool this year (in about two weeks), I have decided that this will be the dress she will be wearing for picture day as long as she grows into it in time. Otherwise, next year's picture day. It's just too precious not to have photographed over and over! I even love the cream color she is a pale little girl at times and the color doesn't wash her out which is great!

If you are looking for unique clothing for girls that is definitely wearable during these hot months and yet will last through the Winter in style, then this company is definitely for you! They have boys attire that is just as precious and unique, and you don't want to wait!

Out of five stars, I give The Dragon & The Rabbit Image result for pink starsImage result for pink starsImage result for pink starsImage result for pink starsImage result for pink stars!!!


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