Supporting Steph's Cheers & Jeers:

So about a year ago, Steph's Cheers & Jeers allowed me to start guest reviewing & blogging. I was shy at first and only did a couple of things. When my husband joined me in the reviewing we took off quickly and now I have started to branch out. Unfortunately, at the same time Stephy was helping me get my start, her site was taken hostage by GoDaddy. It appears they failed to inform her that her Domain was up for renewal so once it went down they took all access away. They want a lot of money in 30 days or it's gone. This is devastating to Stephy and to myself and my husband. We don't want to see her site taken away especially after she has worked five years building it up as much as she has. I have linked her GoFundMe here if you would like to help her keep her site going, and I truly hope soon we can get this squared away.


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