Lakota Herbs: Pain Relief and Book Review

Another wonderful company for "Santa's Seasonal Suggestions"!

As my blog name states, I used to be a dancer. I did ballet, tap, jazz, lyrical, pointe, irish, and more. I even taught for a short time and to this day I want to breathe in the dance lifestyle. Unfortunately, I took a year off for college and my weight ballooned as my metabolism dropped. I was diagnosed in 2006 with Plantar Fasciitis in both legs running from the arches of my feet up my calves and the" doctor said the one thing you can never say to a dancer. "You can dance, you just can't dance full out". That is like telling us not to take a deep breath, and so I gave it up. In the last several years I've had horrible knee pain that the last ER visit told me was arthritis from all the injuries I'd never let heal. I truly believe it started in 10th grade when the PE class I was in for dance would make us just slam on our knees on the floor without knee pads. Now, I know when it'll rain, I know when it's getting cold before it does, and sometimes the pain is just horrible. I don't like taking pills for it, especially when chasing an almost four year old I need to be fully clear headed. So when the opportunity presented itself for me to get to review natural remedies from Lakota Herbs, I was VERY excited. My husband also has bad neck and shoulder pain so he chose a roll-on for that while I chose their Joint Care Formula.
I feel awful that the picture is so dark I really tried to get better shots. But we also received a book as a guide to natural pain relief. Normally if I need this, I call my Grandmother. She is the one who everyone can go to for things like this. To have a book of my own that'll help me relieve pain naturally without the use of medications is really great. My husband used the roll-on where his neck is the most tense and in pain daily and he said that it worked pretty well. There was no scent which was great as it has the same ingredient that's in Ben Gay or Icy-Hot, but this time you don't smell like an older person when you walk around, haha. The pain went away for a short time, but did come back for him after about 30 minutes. That's not due to the pain relief roll-on, that's due to him needing to see someone for the muscle tightness so for him to find something that worked for half an hour was wonderful! 
Again, I apologize for the darkness of the images, I know they do not do the items justice and I hope to edit this soon with better images. I used the Joint Care formula which you take twice a day. My knee has felt alot better since I started. It doesn't ache as easily after climbing the stairs, it doesn't swell if I stand on it too much or am too active. I actually just recently started doing my ballet stretches and warm ups in the morning to tone the muscles under all this fat on me, and the recovery time between days of doing this is a lot shorter! Now I'm just doing it every other day because I'm severely out of shape, not because my knee is hurting so much I can barely walk! I love this formula and I wish my Grandmother had had the opportunity to try it. She was on a lot, and by a lot I mean a LOT of hydrocodone for her arthritis in her hands. This may have helped her, but I will never know.

If you are like me and hate man made medications to help with pain that can damage your liver, kidneys, and more then this may be something wonderful to try. The pills do not have any kind of undesirable taste of smell so you don't have to worry about that. The roll-on warms but doesn't burn, and there again is no smell to it. Everything is natural and earth-made and we all know that Mother Earth creates the best healing remedies over Man. 

Out of Five Stars, I give Lakota Herbs: Image result for pink starsImage result for pink starsImage result for pink starsImage result for pink starsImage result for pink stars!!!

#review #santasseasonalsuggestions


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