Little Tikes "Tumble Train" Giveaway!

Another great option from "Santa's Seasonal Suggestions"!

Little Tikes is one of the leading companies in children's toys and furniture. From birth until school age (and even beyond!) you'll find a huge selection of toys from kitchen sets, electronics and more. The furniture can grow with them and they can enjoy it for many years to come. The Review Ballerina is giving away one free "Tumble Train" from Little Tikes, so enter below! Winner will be announced on Friday 9/18/15 at 11:59pm Cst! on The Review Ballerina on Facebook so make sure to have that page liked! Good luck!

#giveaway #santasseasonalsuggestions


  1. I have the perfect little boy who has a birthday coming up

  2. My cousin's son would love this! Brian Jr. would have so much fun with this train.

  3. My grandson brentlee for Christmas


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