CushionCare Keyboard Wrist & Mouse Pad Review

My husband and I are on our computers seven days a week, unless we absolutely don't need to be. Carpal Tunnel happens to both of us and I wanted to try to help my husband with his. This cushion pad for both the keyboard and mouse is awesome! It protects his wrist in both ways and not only is soft but very durable. With strong stitching to keep it from popping due to pressure, you can use this for years if handled properly! I recommend this as a great stocking stuffer for any Computer Tech or Gaming Geek!

#review #keyboardpad

Elizabeth is a work at home Mother of a sweet and beautiful daughter. She is a wife of seven years and a blogger for some time now. When she isn't spending time with her "Livvybug" she is looking for new review opportunities and writing or singing along to classic rock and pop music!


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