Preston Trail Pumpkin Patch Farm Visit Review:

Preston Trail Farms

Every year I adore taking my daughter to a pumpkin patch. Out in Arlington I had some choices in the area but I was really excited when we moved to Sherman. Reason being? Sherman is very rural compared to Arlington, but not as rural as the surrounding areas! Finding the farm was extremely easy, and when we got there it wasn't very busy (or so we thought). 

Stepping in we found a sweet little addition to the pumpkins, my husband even pet the little kitty cat and it looked up at him with this sweet look of "Leave me alone, I'm sleeping", haha. We came in and I got to speak to the owner, she was so wonderful and kind about me doing a review of the place. She gave us feed for the animals (big pieces for the big animals, small pieces for the small ones) and we were on our way!

The view of this farm was absolutely breathtaking with barely any clouds in the sky, a light breeze, and the sounds of animals ahead waiting to be fed and pet. Where the store was, were tons of pumpkins of small sizes and Monday-Friday if you show up you not only get to ride the Hayride, feed the animals, and run through the haymaze but you get to bring home your own "pie pumpkin!"

Olivia didn't want to get near the big animals, but she loved feeding the goats, the chickens, and the lambs. My husband was all about the longhorn cattle and their friends, loving how they all seemed to go "FOOD!" at once and race over clunking each other for that one pellet of sustenance. 

 The chickens were fun to watch and listen as she fed them, though at one point she said it pecked her hand too hard, lol. The best part was once she was done the brown one would start making noises as if to tell her "Come back, come back!" so she would. She really loved getting to be so close with the animals and touch and pet them. Especially the little sheep this one baby kept getting caught up by the big ones for food. So Olivia pet it and said "It's okay little sheep" when she could. It was a very sweet moment.

There also were plenty of places for great photo opportunities and this was another thing I really loved. I adored how the farm took the time to put things out around like this and didn't just focus on the pumpkins. There were these large hay bales that were painted for great pictures, along with several wooden cutouts. You could also find small "Tractors" all around for the children to ride on, and more! My daughter was running around going "Take a picture of me here!" every chance she could. We then decided to ride a hay ride, and that was awesome!

During the Hayride there was a hilarious story about Farmer Rick, and at the end well, we found him! The bad part, is our daughter almost started crying and we couldn't figure out why. **SPOILER ALERT!** Farmer Rick is "wrapped up in a hay bale" and all you see are his legs. She was upset because she couldn't figure out why we didn't stop to help him! How cute was that? We had to explain it was all make-believe and that wasn't really a guy in the hay, so credit to Preston Trails for making the legs look so realistic! What was funny, was before the hay ride we said to ourselves "Oh it's rather quiet here, people must just be getting off work!" but then a hay ride returned, quite a few people suddenly appeared! There were also some ducks who did not like sharing the road with the tractor, it was rather funny watching them stare us down as we rode off!

After the ride, we took our daughter through the hay maze which is a bit over 6 feet tall. Our daughter found her way through and we walked behind to let her have that little bit of freedom. This is great for adults and children unless you're my cousin who is almost 7 feet tall, then you're going to see over it, haha.

We then went to the actual patch and let her check out the pumpkins. One of her favorite stories is "Winnie the Pooh and the Pumpkin" or something like that. In it, he grows a pumpkin from a seed and talks about all the things it becomes at first. So when she saw the flowers she got all excited as she knew what they were!

She loved showing us all the pumpkins, their different sizes and colors. The farm was definitely great in showing children that pumpkins do not come just as smooth, orange options. They had white ones, bumpy ones, it was awesome that our daughter got to touch and learn so much.

All in all, Preston Trails is a fantastic small farm great to spend some time in the beautiful sun shine with your family. The hay ride is hilarious, the hay maze is tall and great to give your kids a bit of freedom (we let our daughter run ahead just enough she couldn't see us but we knew where she was the whole time) with plenty of photo opportunities. There is also a spot inside the store to sit and eat, buy anything you need, and you will want to come back more than once for sure!

#review #dayatthefarm #pumpkinpatch #prestontrailspumpkinfarm

Elizabeth is a wife to her wonderful husband, a work at home mother to her beautiful little girl and a blogger for some time now. When she isn't spending time with her "Livvybug", or laughing with her husband, she is looking for new review opportunities and writing or singing along to classic rock and pop music!


  1. I love when Farms really put in a great effort to make your visit the best--The Photos opps are amazing-That PIG is fantastic!


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