Crazy Cups: Review & Flavor of the Month - Rum Vanilla Rhumba
Crazy Cups: Official Facebook
Every month, Crazy Cups reveals a new flavor that is always better than the last. This month's flavor "Rum Vanilla Rhumba" is smooth, sweet, completely makes you forget you're drinking coffee, and had me reacting to it the same way Mary Poppins reacted to her medicine:

Every month, Crazy Cups reveals a new flavor that is always better than the last. This month's flavor "Rum Vanilla Rhumba" is smooth, sweet, completely makes you forget you're drinking coffee, and had me reacting to it the same way Mary Poppins reacted to her medicine:
In December's coffee flavor rum was also used as an ingredient and I loved the mixture of "White Christmas". Every month, you forget really you're drinking coffee except for the buzz your body hums with. The coffees that Crazy Cups gives you are just so perfect. My husband said it himself, you buy creamers and different kinds of sugars to make your coffee taste a certain flavor other than "black coffee". Crazy Cups completely broke the mold by creating incredible tasting coffee that doesn't need additional flavorings.
This flavor is absolutely incredible. Since getting Crazy Cups I have not bought a single cup of coffee outside the house, and except for buying one box of Maxwell House for my husband sometimes just likes some black coffee with cream and sugar there has been no other coffee near me. But this flavor has become my newest favorite and I'll tell you why. When you get a cup of black coffee there's small creamers at a restaurant and you'll find vanilla creamer. I'll end up doing six or seven packets of sugar then pouring two or three of those creamers to make my coffee taste like vanilla coffee without bitterness. With Crazy Cups, you get the vanilla and you get the sweet flavor that mixes with the roast. You don't have to add sugar and creamers which is fantastic when you are wanting to watch your calories or your sugars. I add just a tiny bit of sweet cream to my coffee every time now with no added sugar and it tastes incredible. This flavor has so much smoothness, and it's creamy and you really forget you're just drinking coffee.
Did you know the Easter Bunny will be hopping along soon? What about for your relatives instead of bringing sweets, you put some Crazy Cups in some eggs? That would make the best adult easter egg hunt EVER! Different eggs have different flavors, but a couple of eggs have cash. Now I could totally see us doing this for our family members so don't be stealing my ideas! I also have a really amazing husband who has great ideas for Crazy Cups coffee. You can help your local police and fire departments by bringing them Crazy Cups! This company already supports the military with #OperationCoffee but you can support your local law enforcement as well. Think about how many times you hear police and fire departments staying up for double shifts to protect us and our homes? If we love coffee this much from Crazy Cups, then you know they will love it as well! We will be taking some "goody bags" of K Cups to our local police station soon and I will have pictures to share of our daughter getting to meet with policemen and know they are there to always help and assist.
The moment everyone adores when it comes to coffee am I right? You hear it brewing, you hear the sound of the mug filling (Yes, I know I need new coffee mugs I have such plain black and white haha). As you watch it fill you smell the aroma of the coffee which in our case right now is vanilla mostly in the air, and you just can't wait to take a sip. With cooler temperatures in the air right now, take advantage of a hot cup of coffee from Crazy Cups and just look outside at the blue skies, the soft winds, the Cardinals bounding around the yard and enjoy.
You can get 22 Cups for $15.90 on their website (the link is here) and don't forget, if you share this post on any social media page and use the hashtag #operationcoffee, Crazy Cups will donate single serve coffee cups to our military! You know they need them!
Coffee Type: Medium Roast
Size: Regular K-Cup size, slightly heavier in weight.
#review #operationcoffee #crazycups #februaryflavor #flavorofthemonth #letsrhumbacrazycups #coffeegifts
Elizabeth is a wife to her wonderful husband, a work at home mother to her beautiful little girl and a blogger for some time now. When she isn't spending time with her "Livvybug", or laughing with her husband, she is looking for new review opportunities and writing or singing along to classic rock and pop music!
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