Crazy Cups: Review & Flavor of the Month - Snickerdoodle

Crazy Cups: Official Facebook

Have you ever paused in a store and went "That...sounds really interesting!" Well yes Crazy Cups is back and once again they bring us a coffee flavor that makes you pause and go "I wonder..."! This month's flavor is stop snickering after hearing the name. I can wait!.... Okay great, haha. Snickerdoodle is a fantastic flavor that reminds you of that sweet, cinnamon and sugar rolled cookie you love to get from your Grandma's house. Let's just hope there's no Cream of Tartar in the coffee!

Yes, they are 100% correct in saying this is a funny sounding name, but seriously tasty stuff. The smell that wafted in the house when it was brewing was a sweet smell that mixed with their typical coffee roast. I tried before and after adding some of my sweetner and creamer and I really enjoy the flavor of the coffee on its own. I am definitely not a black coffee drinker. That only happened once in my life and it was many years ago when I was going on Motorcops for Kids Toy Run with my family. I was tired from the night before and showed up super early to my Dad's house and he pretty much shoved the black coffee at me. I didn't even argue, but it was Folgers and...well we all know how Folgers is black. Woke me up, harsh taste in my mouth! That is definitely not the case with Crazy Cups you get the flavor of the  coffee without the bitterness. But me being weird, I add my creamer and sugar anyway.

I can't help but snicker when I think of the name, haha. Yes, I'm sure this running joke is in every person's mind for years but...snicker. ANYWAY, don't mind me just drinking my coffee here. I am truly the only real coffee drinker in my home. My husband is not a big coffee drinker due to his ulcer and my six year old if she were drinking coffee would probably be running her head into walls causing holes and well, we don't need or want that. So we've been donating Crazy Cups Coffee to our local police and fire departments. We're becoming known in our small town as the coffee people! They love the coffee, in fact I'm pretty sure they've begun ordering Crazy Cups when they run out. It's almost impossible to go back to another brand once you've drank Crazy Cups. The reason is, it doesn't remind you of coffee as you're drinking it. Instead you feel as if you're drinking exactly what the flavor is. As I've said many times before the fact I don't have to buy flavored creamer, just a creamer that is slightly sweetened tells you that I can taste what the flavor is, and that in itself is amazing.

Even Anna and Elsa can't stop snickering at the Snickerdoodle! But in true honesty there's nothing to laugh at here unless you're just one fun person who loves to say the word "Snicker". No, we don't mean the candy bar, we mean the amazing cookie turned coffee. This flavor of coffee is light, but rich enough to give you a pause on a weekend morning where the sun is shining, you hear the birds, and you just want to take a moment for yourself. You know those moments...

Image result for peter griffin tea with two hands

That kind of a moment... the moment where you hear nothing but nature and the sounds of your quiet life that won't stay quiet for very long. That's what Crazy Cups can bring you. Which is actually the opposite of what their name is so maybe we should say Crazy Cups brings you the calm before the Crazy Life we know you have!

You can get 22 Cups for $15.90 on their website (the link is here) and don't forget, if you share this post on any social media page and use the hashtag #operationcoffee, Crazy Cups will donate single serve coffee cups to our military! You know they need them! 

Coffee Type: Medium Roast
Size: Regular K-Cup size, slightly heavier in weight.

Price: $15.90 for 22 Cups with shipping estimated at checkout.
#review #operationcoffee #crazycups #februaryflavor #flavorofthemonth #snickerdoodlecrazycups #coffeegifts

Elizabeth is a wife to her wonderful husband, a work at home mother to her beautiful little girl and a blogger for some time now. When she isn't spending time with her "Livvybug", or laughing with her husband, she is looking for new review opportunities and writing or singing along to classic rock and pop music!


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