Splashings Snack Time Shell Review & Realms Blind Bag Reveal!


A great addition to The Princess Guide! For more for your little princess, check it out here!

Image credit to The Review Ballerina & Official Splashlings Website.

In the day of collecting small items such as Shopkins and Grossery Gangs, we find ourselves coming across the beautifuls jewels of the sea: Splashlings. These small but beautiful little items can be found in blind bags, Polly Pocket style close-able shells, and more. Today, we get to review the "Snack Time" Shell as well as my daughter's first Youtube blind bag reveal video of a "Splashlings Realm" blind bag!

First, let's talk about this adorable shell that is called the "Snack Time Shell". It's a lovely shade of pink with several small pieces including a table with what looks like plates, an oven that opens and closes, a space for a Splashling to sit at the top, and included you get a mermaid, an Octopus, and a chef fish! They just look so cute! (Oh and I apologize for the mess around the child, it's Sunday and I just haven't had a chance yet to make things look appropriate).

You can see the octopus has such a big smile on his face, and my daughter kept asking the chef fish to bring tea to the mermaid. This completely reminds me of Polly Pocket, in fact the one that I used to have was an enchanted castle that also had small space that opened and closed:

I personally feel Splashlings was very smart to bring this kind of thing back. I would play with this for hours I really would. I loved how it would light up (Dear Splashlings: hint hint!) and the spot to the right where you can see the bench was a great place to put all the pieces. Again, Splashlings is bringing it back and I adore it!

The pieces are large, which helps to keep them from getting lost or keeps a smaller child from eating them, and they're also soft to the touch. Above you can see the small oven door that you can open and close, and the cover above it folds up or down it's up to the child. Whether your mermaid wants tea, or a yummy small cake your child can use their imagination to really imagine they're under the sea!

This smile is exactly what Splashlings should be happy to see, because playing with these makes the children so excited to use their imaginations. Whether it be getting to collect Splashlings from Blind Bags, collect different play sets so they can use the Splashlings in different scenarios, or just start to think of things they want to do in life such as cooking, you know this is a great brand of toys that girls and boys alike can enjoy.

And now for the best moment, my daughter's first blind bag reveal!

You can find the Splashlings Snack Time Shell at any Walmart store or here to order online. They currently go for $21.99 on Walmart.com or you can look on Amazon. You can also find the Splashlings blind bags at Walmart which are less than $3 each! So hurry today!

#review #splashlings #snacktimeshell #chizcomm #toyreview #childrens #childrenstoys #splashlingsrealms

Elizabeth is a wife to her wonderful husband, a work at home mother to her beautiful little girl and a blogger for some time now. When she isn't spending time with her "Livvybug", or laughing with her husband, she is looking for new review opportunities and writing or singing along to classic rock and pop music!


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