Wish Me Unicorn & Pup Review:

Every child dreams of having that one sweet pet that when you kiss them, hug them, pet them, or snuggle them they great a wish. So Jay@Play has come out with yet another amazing and awesome item for children called "Wish Me"! Yes, you wish upon a glow and who knows, perhaps your wish will come true!
These adorable and very sweet looking pets are soft, gentle, and can just like they say, glow as you make a wish! From puppies to unicorns you can find a sweet little Wish Me Pet for your boy or girl that is ready to make their nights and days be filled with angelic magic and sweet little sounds. With four touch points that make a different noise with each one, you'll find yourself smiling as you wonder just what your pup or unicorn is saying!
A unicorn of the beautiful coloring kind, this sweetheart lights up when you press on their nose. But the adorable part is their nose is air-sensitive! Blow on the notes or give it a little kiss and this unicorn of magic tries to grant your wish! You can also pet them on the back, stroke them on the chest, and even get them on their sweet little bottoms at the tail! (No Batteries Included). I adore the sounds that the pet makes such as whinnying, sweet twinkle sounds and more!
And every fun little friend needs a furry little sidekick. Check out this adorable little puppy that our unicorn came with. For every wish our unicorn tries to grant, their little friend is there to play the days away with the fun and giggles! I love how this little guy looks like he's been playing already and has so much fun being there for your children!
Elizabeth is a wife to her wonderful husband, a work at home mother to her beautiful little girl and a blogger for some time now. When she isn't spending time with her "Livvybug", or laughing with her husband, she is looking for new review opportunities and writing or singing along to classic rock and pop music!
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